
  1. Service error pages

    We added error pages shown when a page is not found or when there is a problem with the service

  2. Submitting draft claims

    We added a way for school users to submit draft claims

  3. Showing grant conditions

    We added the grant conditions to the service so that our private beta users can view them before being published on GOV.UK

  4. Logging who submitted a claim

    We added details of who submitted the claim for assurance purposes

  5. Collecting feedback about the service

    We added a feedback page to the service

  6. Round 2 research findings

    Testing iterations of the service to help users gain a better understanding of the service, as well as their expectations of post-submission and sampling

  7. Updating the claim flow

    We updated the add claim flow following feedback from user research

  8. Starting the service on GOV.UK

    We added a start page for the service. We include information to help users understand what the service does and what information they need to make a claim.

  9. Adding claims in Support on behalf of schools

    We added a way for the Support team to draft claims on behalf of schools

  10. Round 1 research findings

    Testing the first iteration of the ‘make a claim’ and ‘add a mentor’ journeys to gain insights into the users of the service, their behaviours and mental models

  11. Submitting claims for funding

    We added a way for schools to submit claims for funding their mentors’ training

  12. Adding mentors in Support

    We added a way for Support users to add mentors to a school

  13. Adding mentors

    We added a way for schools to add their mentors to the service

  14. Inviting Best Practice Network schools to participate in our private beta

    We sent an email to schools in the Best Practice Network to explain what our service is and to invite them to participate in user research

  15. Managing support users

    We added a way for Support users to add other DfE users to the Support site

  16. Adding a school when JavaScript is unavailable

    We added a no-JavaScript version of the add school flow

  17. Managing organisation users in Support

    Giving the support team the ability to manage users belonging to an organisation

  18. Adding organisations in Support

    Giving the support team the ability to add schools to the service

  19. Why are we working on ‘Claim funding for mentors’?

    Placement schools can access grant money to support the new training requirements of school-based mentors