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Data sharing agreement confirmation page

Up to now, when the user signs the data sharing agreement they’re automatically taken to the next step, whether that’s the application list page or to set up organisation level permissions.

But this means users don’t know whether they signed the agreement successfully or not.

And it means there’s no opportunity to tell users what they can or must do next.

If we show users a confirmation page then they’ll know they signed the agreement successfully and how to proceed.

When there’s no organisation level permissions to set up but the user has ‘user’ permission, they have the option to set up users.
When there’s no organisation level permissions to set up but the user has ‘user’ permission, they have the option to set up users
When there’s organisation level permissions to set up, the user is prompted to set up permissions.
When there’s organisation level permissions to set up, the user is prompted to set up permissions
When the user has no ‘org’ or ‘user’ permissions, they can continue to the application list page.
When the user has no ‘org’ or ‘user’ permissions, they can continue to the application list page