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Switching between recruitment cycles during rollover

At the start of July each year, the process of rollover begins. During this period, the support team need to be able to see courses in the current and next recruitment cycles to support the needs of our providers.

We recently implemented a recruitment cycle switcher in Publish teacher training courses (Publish) and decided to use a similar pattern for the support service.

What we changed

We added:

  • a recruitment cycles page that shows the current and the next recruitment cycles
  • a recruitment cycle switcher above the primary navigation as a way to switch cycles and show the recruitment cycle the user is working in

How it works

Signing in to the service

Users will see a list of recruitment cycles when they sign into the service during rollover. After selecting a recruitment cycle, we show users the organisation list.

Outside the rollover period, we do not show the recruitment cycles page. Instead, users will simply see a list of all organisations in Publish.

Recruitment cycle page

The ‘Recruitment cycles’ page lists two recruitment cycles:

  • the current cycle - for example, ‘2021 to 2022 - current’
  • the next cycle - for example, ‘2022 to 2023’

We include the word ‘current’ in the label to clarify what cycle they’re viewing.

Recruitment cycle switcher

During rollover, we display a recruitment cycle switcher above the primary navigation.

The switcher shows:

  • the recruitment cycle - for example, ‘Recruitment cycle 2021 to 2022 - current’
  • a link to ‘Change recruitment cycle’

Choose recruitment cycle#

Screenshot of Choose recruitment cycle

Switcher - current cycle#

Screenshot of Switcher - current cycle

Switcher - next cycle#

Screenshot of Switcher - next cycle

Organisation details#

Screenshot of Organisation details