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Managing accredited bodies if you’re a lead school

We wanted to simplify how lead schools manage their accredited body relationships.

Previously, lead schools managed accredited bodies in the ‘Courses’ and ‘Organisation details’ sections. They could not be removed from the organisation once added without contacting Support.

What we changed

We have:

  • removed adding a new accredited body to the organisation in the add and change course flows
  • removed adding the accredited body’s description in ‘Organisation details’
  • added a section called ‘Accredited bodies’, accessible via the primary navigation
  • added a way to delete accredited bodies from an organisation

We made this change because:

  • it gives lead schools one place to manage their accredited body relationships
  • we wanted to simplify the new accredited body and change accredited body course flows
  • it reduces the need for lead schools to contact Support

How it works

We added a section called ‘Accredited bodies’, accessible via the primary navigation.

This section allows lead schools to:

  • view existing accredited body relationships
  • add a new accredited body relationship
  • change the description of an existing accredited body
  • delete an accredited body relationship

Viewing existing accredited body relationships

We show the accredited bodies in alphabetical order.

For each accredited body, we show:

  • accredited body name
  • accredited body description - if there is not a description, we show ‘Not entered’
  • change and delete links

The change link allows the user to change the accredited body’s description.

The delete link allows the user to remove the accredited body if the accredited body does not ratify any of the school’s courses.

Adding a new accredited body relationship

Users can add a new accredited body.

When a user clicks on the ‘Add accredited body’ button, they then need to:

  • find the accredited body by name or organisation code using an autocomplete
  • enter a description of the accredited body that the Find postgraduate teacher training (Find) service will display - this is optional
  • check their answers before adding

Changing the description of an existing accredited body

When a user clicks the change link next to the accredited body’s name, they’re taken to a page to change its description.

Changes to the accredited body’s description will be immediately published.

Deleting an accredited body relationship

When a user clicks the delete link next to the accredited body’s name, they’re taken to a page to confirm the deletion of the accredited body.

If the accredited body does not ratify any courses run by the training partner, the user can delete them.

If the accredited body does ratify courses run by the training partner, we show a page explaining why the user cannot delete the accredited body.

Further considerations

At the moment, accredited bodies can see the courses they ratify, but cannot change, publish, withdraw or delete them.

We are considering how accredited bodies manage the courses they run and those that their training partners run.

This may involve a lead school giving a set of permissions to their accredited bodies.

Accredited body list#

Screenshot of Accredited body list

Change accredited body description#

Screenshot of Change accredited body description

Add accredited body - find accredited body#

Screenshot of Add accredited body - find accredited body

Add accredited body - add accredited body description#

Screenshot of Add accredited body - add accredited body description

Add accredited body - check your answers#

Screenshot of Add accredited body - check your answers

Accredited body added#

Screenshot of Accredited body added

Delete accredited body#

Screenshot of Delete accredited body

Cannot delete accredited body#

Screenshot of Cannot delete accredited body

Courses list#

Screenshot of Courses list

Add course accredited body#

Screenshot of Add course accredited body

Edit course accredited body#

Screenshot of Edit course accredited body