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Accredited bodies research - Reporting round 2

Round 2 was a continuation of the research started in Accredited Bodies Research Round 1 where we hoped to gain further insights into the needs of accredited bodies around reporting.


Student Information Systems

Accredited bodies have a student record information system that syncs automatically with UCAS.

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The systems sync with UCAS

There is an automatic sync that happens between their system and UCAS. Applications that come via UCAS get linked to their student record system.

The sync frequency varies across organisations.

This happens 3 times a day.

Twice a day. Midday and midnight.

Everyday (not specified).

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Changes are not automatically synced

The participants needed to know about any new courses so that they can update the courses on their system.

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Stuck in between UCAS and SITS:Vision

There is an area where candidates get ‘lost’ if courses on UCAS do not align with the accredited bodies system.

The system is a student support system. It holds all student information and pulls it from UCAS directly. Every student is linked to a program (course) and plan code for identification. When a person is pulled into the system, it all has to link up. If they’re in UCAS and that program (course) does not currently exist with us, they stay in UCAS and cannot be pulled into our system.

In the past someone has suspended a course, then a candidate has applied for that course, we cannot make them an offer. They’re no longer linked to the main system and people disappear. It’s a huge issue for applicants because it should be the easiest part of their journey but if the data is not correct and updated on a regular basis they get lost and they will not be able to apply.

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A need for notifications

The notification needs vary for different accredited bodies. Some have a very good relationship with their partner schools who will contact them directly about any changes made, others do not communicate regularly.

It would be great to have the option for notifications per provider and for new providers.

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A need to see what’s been published

There is a need to see what courses have been created and published.

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Courses and an accredited body prototype feedback

Main Page

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Organisations listings page

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The date that the provider has gone on and made a change should be reflected in the report (CSV download).

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Course list page

Some participants felt the course list lacked detail and needed a breakdown of locations per course. There is a need for information about applications and vacancies per location, not just by course.

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Research Summary

  • Accredited bodies need to know about courses for marketing materials and purposes as well as ensuring courses are set up correctly on their system
  • There is a student information system which pulls applications and pushes data from UCAS. This is an automatic process.
  • Accredited bodies need to know of any changes to courses or new courses. Applications get stuck in the staging area which is when the application from UCAS cannot match up with offerings in the accredited Bodies SITS system.
  • Accredited bodies need an alert/notification design that tells them of changes so that they know when things have changed so that systems can be updated as soon as possible to avoid candidate transit change issues.
  • There is a need to be able to compare allocations with accredited body reports to ensure courses are set up correctly.