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Showing users where candidates choose to leave the application process

This work follows on from our design of a report to help users check how candidates drop out of the application process.

We made changes to the report during a round of research.

What we changed

We made changes to the:

  • report title
  • column headings within the table

Report title

We had been concerned that the title ‘Candidate drop out rates’ could imply that candidates had done something wrong. It also does not clearly say what is in the report.

After a research participant also mentioned concerns about the title, we changed it to ‘Where candidates choose to leave the application process’.

Column headings

During research we changed the table’s column headings to make it clearer that:

  • the ‘applications withdrawn’ column includes applications withdrawn at any time
  • the ‘accepted offers with conditions not met’ column only includes offers which have ended, not those with conditions pending

We then checked how many applications end because conditions are not met. The number is very small, so for most users that column of the report would show only zeroes.

We decided to remove the ‘accepted offers where conditions were not met’ column. At the same time we made further changes, so that the columns now clearly show when the candidate left the application process.

There are now 2 columns, with the headings:

  • applications withdrawn before offer made
  • offers declined and applications withdrawn after offer made

Other considerations

We are considering splitting the second column of the report so that we separately show:

  • offers declined
  • applications withdrawn after an offer was made

We need to do analysis to find out at what stage in the process candidates withdraw their applications.

We want to know whether a significant number withdraw after an offer is made, since they cannot do this within the candidate service. They would need to ask a provider to withdraw on their behalf.

An ‘applications withdrawn after an offer was made’ column will be of little value to users if it almost always shows all zeroes.

Reports landing page#

Screenshot of Reports landing page

Reports landing page when the user belongs to multiple organisations#

Screenshot of Reports landing page when the user belongs to multiple organisations

Where candidates choose to leave the application process report#

Screenshot of Where candidates choose to leave the application process report