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Letting users change and delete notes

We know that some users want to:

  • fix errors in notes
  • remove notes which are no longer relevant or contain errors
  • update notes rather than creating new ones - for example, they want to add a note when they contact a candidate and update it when the candidate replies

What we changed

We changed the notes page so that there are links letting users change and delete notes.

How it works

If the user clicks to change a note then they’re taken to a page with a text field containing the note’s content.

The user can edit the note then click the ‘Update note’ button. They‘re taken back to the notes page, which has a success message saying ‘Note updated’.

If the user clicks to delete a note then they’re taken to a page which asks them to confirm that they want to delete it. The page shows the note.

The user can click the red ‘Delete note’ button to delete the note. They’re taken back to the notes page, which has a success message saying ‘Note deleted’.

The change and delete notes pages also have cancel links and back links. These take the user back to the notes page for the application.

An event is added to the timeline and activity log when a note is changed or deleted.

Update note page#

Screenshot of Update note page

Notes page with success message after a note has been updated#

Screenshot of Notes page with success message after a note has been updated

Timeline showing that a note has been updated#

Screenshot of Timeline showing that a note has been updated

Delete note page#

Screenshot of Delete note page

Notes page with success message after note deleted#

Screenshot of Notes page with success message after note deleted

Timeline showing that a note has been deleted#

Screenshot of Timeline showing that a note has been deleted