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Adding a heading to the application list to help providers find older applications

We added an extra heading and content to help providers view applications submitted over 30 working days ago.

The issue

In the 2023 to 2024 recruitment cycle, we have seen a large increase in candidates submitting applications. Some providers have been overwhelmed by the number of applications they need to sort through.

We also implemented a new rule where if a candidate has not received a decision on their application within 30 working days, they can apply somewhere else while they wait.

We wanted to help providers easily identify applications submitted over 30 working days ago so they could work through those first.

What we did

As a simple solution, we added an extra heading to the application list in Manage teacher training applications (Manage). This header reads ‘Received over 30 days ago - make a decision now’ to create urgency for providers that these applications need a decison. We also added some guidance below it to explain why making decisions on these applications is important.

Screenshot of the new header that reads 'Received - make a decision now' with hint text to explain what these applications are.

We changed the colour of the text on applications submitted over 30 days ago. We decided to use colour and text so that we are not using colour alone to convey meaning which would cause issues with users who are colourblind or may perceive colour in different ways.

Screenshot of a list off applications with red text showing how long ago the application was received.

Further considerations

As a team, we are currently looking at more effective ways to help providers manage their workload, because headings and coloured text will not solve this issue entirely.

We have also conducted a round of user research with training providers to understand their pain points with the increase in applications this cycle so we can look at designing solutions to help our users.