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Collecting feedback about the service

Update: We will collect feedback via a Microsoft form instead of building a form within the service.

We added a way for users to tell us what they think of the service.

How it works

Users can access the feedback page from the ‘feedback’ link in the phase banner.

Feedback form

The feedback form has two mandatory questions:

  1. Overall, how do you feel about this service?
  2. How could we improve this service?

Overall, how do you feel about this service?

The ‘Overall, how do you feel about this service?’ question has 5 options:

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Users can rate their experience by choosing 1 option.

Users must answer the question. If they do not select an option, we show an error message:

Select how you feel about this service

How could we improve this service?

The ‘How could we improve this service?’ is a free text box.

Users can give up to 200 words of feedback.

Users must answer the question. If they do not enter any details, we show an error message:

Enter details about how we could improve this service

Optional name and email questions

We allow users to give us their name and email address if they would like a reply to the feedback.

If users enter their email address, but it is not the correct format, we show an error message:

Enter an email address in the correct format, like

Feedback confirmation page

When a user submits their feedback, we show a confirmation page.

The confirmation page explains that if they provide their name and email address, we will respond within 5 working days.

Feedback form#

Screenshot of Feedback form

feedback form with errors#

Screenshot of feedback form with errors

Feedback confirmation page#

Screenshot of Feedback confirmation page