Posts tagged ‘withdrawals’

  1. Understanding trainee withdrawals

    We conducted data analysis and desktop research to understand what we know and what we don’t know about why trainees withdraw from teacher training

  2. Adding a withdrawal reasons report

    How we added a report to show providers the different reasons why candidates withdrew their application

  3. Changing how we ask candidates why they withdrew an application

    Why we changed how we ask candidate why they withdrew their application from an open question to a list of options.

  4. Withdraw an application iteration 3

    Allowing users to withdraw an application after making an offer, even if the candidate has not asked them to do so.

  5. Withdrawing an application iteration 2

    Getting the withdraw application flow ready for first release

  6. Closing an application (withdrawal versus rejection)

    Exploration to improve the way to close an application at any time

  7. Reason for withdrawing

    Asking candidates to tell us why they decided to withdraw their application.

  8. Amending and withdrawing

    Amending applications and withdrawing course choices.

  9. Deleting and withdrawing courses

    And why there are both