Posts tagged ‘accredited providers’

  1. User research with private beta ITT providers

    We conducted research with our private beta providers to understand if the processes to share claim data we have put in place meet their needs

  2. Adding an accredited provider when JavaScript is unavailable

    We added a no-JavaScript version of the add accredited provider flow

  3. Managing accredited providers on behalf of training partners

    Giving the support team the ability to manage accredited providers for training providers

  4. Adding an accredited provider when JavaScript is unavailable

    We added a no-JavaScript version of the add accredited provider flow

  5. Improving how training partners manage their accredited providers

    We improved how training partners add, update and remove accredited providers

  6. Renaming ‘accredited body’ to ‘accredited provider’

    We replaced the term ‘accredited body’ with ‘accredited provider’ to reflect how we talk about providers internally and externally

  7. Renaming ‘accredited body’ to ‘accredited provider’

    We replaced the term ‘accredited body’ with ‘accredited provider’ to reflect how we talk about providers internally and externally

  8. Emailing accredited bodies when they have been added to a lead school or their permissions have changed

    We created three notification emails to let accredited bodies know about changes to permissions

  9. Giving accredited bodies the ability to manage courses they ratify

    We added a way for accredited bodies to manage their training partners’ courses

  10. Giving lead schools the ability to manage permissions for their accredited bodies

    We added a way for lead schools to give permission to their accredited bodies to manage courses and locations on their behalf

  11. Viewing training partners and their courses if you’re an accredited body

    We moved courses as an accredited body into a new section called training partners

  12. Notifications for users with access to multiple organisations

    Allowing accredited body users to choose which organisations they receive notifications about

  13. New features for accredited bodies

  14. New course wizard as launched for accredited bodies

    The new course wizard is now available to accredited bodies

  15. Accredited bodies research - Round 3

    Research on the role of accredited bodies and their relationships with their partner schools

  16. Accredited bodies research - Reporting round 2

    Continued research with accredited bodies to determine reporting needs

  17. Accredited bodies research - Reporting

    Research interviews with accredited bodies to determine reporting needs

  18. Courses as an accredited body

    See which courses you’re the accredited body for

  19. New course wizard: Accredited body – 5 February iteration

    Remove one of the choices, and minimise the chance of error

  20. Iteration 26 June 2018

    Separate courses by accrediting provider. Provide explicit fields for each course offered.